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Available Funds Guidance is a feature of Trustly Pay. It provides consumers who initially receive a decline due to insufficient funds or exceeding preset limits an opportunity to complete the transaction by reducing the dollar amount.

This is an optional feature implemented by some merchants and therefore may not be available. When it is available and an eligible consumer is initially declined, the notification automatically presents an option to continue with the lower amount.
  • If acted upon immediately, the lower amount transaction will complete successfully.
  • If the consumer waits and tries again later, another decline and potentially a new notification may occur. Due to the nature of the dynamic balancing the risk engine performs, the new notification amount may be different or the notification may not appear at all.
Merchants who have chosen the Full Guarantee model as part of their Trustly Pay implementation, including our Gaming and Crypto partners, are able to implement Available Funds Guidance. Using this feature, the number of declines due to SW021, insufficient funds, or SW054 due to reaching preset thresholds are reduced and consumers are able to choose a reduced transaction amount.

If you are interested in implementing this feature, please reach out to your Trustly Merchant Success Manager.
To resolve this error, please check the data on the form to ensure the correct numbers have been entered.

If the numbers are correct, contact our support team by using the Contact us now button below.
This error occurs if the routing number (aka transit number) or financial institution number is either:
  • Entered incorrectly on the form
  • Not yet entered into our systems
Trustly merchants and their staff can find basic transaction types and how to process them by reviewing the detailed documentation on the developer site.

Select the Type Definitions option on the developer's menu for definitions of each of the following transaction types:
  • External
  • Authorize
  • Pay
  • Capture
  • Refund
  • Reverse
  • Deposit
  • Reclaim
  • Representment
  • Tokenization
  • Preauthorization
  • Guarantee
When using an instant payment rail, such as RTP, a merchant must pre-fund a bank account to cover the payout transactions. As these transactions occur, and balances fluctuate, automated notifications are sent to merchants when the balance dips below predefined thresholds.

There are two types of notifications: Warning and Critical

Warning Messages

Warning messages are sent to specified recipients to notify merchants the instant payment (IP) balance in the For Benefit Of (FBO) account has fallen below a set threshold. Warnings are sent when there are still sufficient funds in the account to continue processing, but have reached an initial low balance threshold.

Critical Messages

Critical messages are sent to specified recipients when the instant payment (IP) balance in the For Benefit Of (FBO) account has fallen below a set threshold. Critical messages are sent when the balance is low enough that there is a risk that transactions may not be processed.

To resolve these situations, the merchant wires funds to the account to increase the balance above and beyond the balance thresholds.
Trustly merchants and their staff can find basic decline information, including decline codes such as SW054, and their definitions on the developer site.

Additional information about specific transactions can be found in the Merchant Portal, or by reaching out to the support team You can contact them by chat, text message, email, or phone by requesting a call back by using the Contact us now button below.
Trustly offers merchants various a guaranteed transaction model. Trustly's guarantee solutions offer merchants quick cash flow and provide protection against chargebacks and returns.

There are several levels, but at the core there are Full Guarantees and Partial Guarantees.

Full Guarantee: This level offers a comprehensive guarantee for all return codes, but typically at a higher cost compared to Partial Guarantee.

Partial Guarantees: There are various level of partial guarantees to benefit merchants with low fraud risk. These provide a guarantee for specific return codes related to NSF and Admin returns, while excluding return codes like Unauthorized, Stopped Payment, and Frozen Account. This allows for a lower transaction fee for merchants while still maintaining a higher margin than Full Guarantee pricing.

For pricing and questions related to merchant guarantees, please reach out to your Sales Representative or Merchant Success Manager.
Trustly doesn't have pre-determined limits set for consumers. Each time you attempt a transaction, a dynamic balance validation risk engine reviews a variety of factors to determine how to proceed. Options include: uninterrupted processing, a suggested deposit amount, or a declined transaction.

Occasionally, the amount you're able to transact is based on a limited transaction history, or a threshold limit set by your bank or merchant. These limits can be found in their disclosure documents and may vary from bank to bank, and merchant to merchant.

When a suggested deposit amount is presented, it is an amount calculated in real-time by the engine and it cannot be reset or overridden by Trustly employees.
The suggested retry amount presented with the Available Funds Guidance feature is calculated in real-time and is based on a dynamic balance validation risk engine. 

Factors that influence the decision include:
  • Implementation Threshold Limits
  • Available Bank Balance
  • Pending Bank Items
  • Insufficient Funds History
  • Prior Transaction History

Trustly personnel cannot override the deposit amount suggested in the notification. If you feel your threshold limits are too low, please reach out to your Merchant Success Manager.
While the suggested deposit amount significantly increases the likelihood of transaction success, it’s not a guarantee. Various factors, including real-time changes in your account status or other risk assessments, can influence the outcome.

Our goal is to offer you the best possible option to proceed with your transaction at that moment. The suggestion amount presented to you is designed to enhance your chance of a successful transaction by leveraging live data about your account and our risk assessments. While it's not a guarantee, this gives you an opportunity to proceed with a lower amount.

Note: Any transaction may be declined if the data used to calculate the retry amount changes. For information on potential decline reasons, please review the related articles.
All suggested deposit amounts are calculated in real-time. To take advantage of the suggested, or lower amount, we recommend acting immediately.

For example, waiting an hour could change the outcome of the decision process, resulting in an even lower amount, or potentially removing the opportunity altogether.

Note: Any transaction may be declined if the data used to calculate the retry amount changes. For information on potential decline reasons, please review the related articles.
Suggested deposit amounts are unique to each customer and vary based on the results of the specific calculations used by the dynamic balance and risk checks. These are tools used as part of our internal risk management strategy.

Some of the factors reviewed to make the determination include: recent transactions, current balances, and any pre-set limits set on the bank or merchant platform.
The amount presented to your customer is shown in the suggestedretryamount event for SW021 or SW054 (threshold declines only for SW054) declines. For additional information about webhooks and how to read them, review the information on the developer's site.
We're apologize for any inconvenience caused by the inability to complete your identity verification. to resolve this, please do one of the following:
  • Sign in to another bank
  • Try again later
This is a general error that occurs when the verification process is unable to continue. There isn't one set cause for this generic error.
To complete your identity verification, review the information presented, tap to select your information from the options presented, and then press Continue.

If the Continue button isn't available, you have not yet selected one of the options.
When there are multiple sets of data related to an account, for example you have a shared account, or multiple street or email addresses or phone numbers are found, you are prompted to select your information from the data retrieved.
The developer page for Trustly ID is located on our Developer Documentation site. Please see:
Only persons over the age of 21 are permitted to use the app.

We hope you come back and try again after you've celebrated your birthday!
This message appears when the personal data entered indicates that you're under 21 years of age.
Reason CodeDescription
Reason CodeError Description
BLKDPayment has been blocked
AC02Debtor account Is Invalid
AC03Creditor account Is Invalid
AC04Account closed
AC06Account is blocked
AC07Creditor account closed
AC10Debtor account currency is invalid or missing
AC11Creditor account currency is invalid or missing
AC13Debtor account type missing or invalid
AC14Creditor account type missing or invalid
AG01Transaction is forbidden on this type of account
AG03Transaction type is not supported/authorized on this account
AGNTIncorrect Agent
AM02Specific transaction/message amount is greater than allowed maximum
AM04Amount of funds available to cover specified message amount is insufficient
AM09Amount received is not the amount agreed or expected
AM11Transaction currency is invalid or missing
AM12Amount is invalid or missing
AM13Transaction amount exceeds limits set by clearing system
AM14Transaction Amount exceeds limits agreed between bank and client
BE04Specification of creditor's address, which is required for payment, is missing / not correct
BE06End customer specified is not known at associated Sort/National Bank Code or no longer exist in the books
BE07Specification of debtor's address, which is required for payment, is missing / not correct
BE10Debtor country code is missing or invalid
BE11Creditor country code is missing or invalid
BE13Country code of debtor’s residence is missing or Invalid
BE14Country code of creditor's residence is missing or Invalid
BE16Debtor identification code missing or invalid
BE17Creditor identification code missing or invalid
DS24Waiting time expired due to incomplete order
DT04Future date is not supported
DUPLPayment is a duplicate of another payment
DS0HSigner is not allowed to sign for this account
FF02Syntax error reason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
FF03Invalid Payment Type Information
FF08End to End Id is missing or invalid
MD07End customer is deceased
NARRReason is provided as narrative information in the additional reason information
RC01Bank identifier code specified in the message has an incorrect format
RC02Bank Identified is invalid or missing
RC03Debtor FI identifier is invalid or missing
RC04Creditor FI identifier is invalid or missing
TM01Invalid Cut Off Time
TK01Invalid Token
TK02Sender Token Not Found
TK03Receiver Token Not Found
TK04Token Expired
TK05Token Found with Counterparty Mismatch
TK06Token Found with Value Limit Rule Violation
TK07Single Use Token Already Used
TK08Token Suspended
NOATReceiving Customer Account does not support/accept this message type
We're sorry to see you go, but hope we were able to provide the answers you needed.

To stop all further SMS text messages from the support team, reply STOP to the last message you receive and you will be marked as Opt Out in our systems and no more messages will be sent to you via text.

If you need help in the future, use the Contact Us form where you can choose any of the options available, including the option to Opt back into text if desired.
Trustly is committed to helping you have a secure transaction experience while using our payment platform. The tips below are provided to help deter account takeovers or compromised bank credentials.
  • Use a secure wi-fi network when making online transactions.
  • Use a strong password that contains a mix of unique letters (including both uppercase and lowercase), numbers and characters.
  • Update your passwords regularly.
  • Use a password manager program to help you manage passwords instead of writing them down.
  • Do not share your passwords with anyone.
  • Be wary of scams and phishing attempts that often occur via email or text messages that ask you to enter your login credentials or other personal data.
  • Protect your devices with passwords and PINs.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Dispose of old computers and phones securely.
For the security of our customers and the data we house, when contacting support for help, you will be asked to provide your Access ID number from Merchant Portal.

To speed up the process, you can include that in your initial request.
To edit an existing Merchant Portal account, do the following:
  1. Open Merchant Portal, and then click User Management.
  2. Locate the account that needs to be reset.
    Note: If your list of names is lengthy, press CTRL+F, or CMD+F, to find the name on the page.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Enter the required updates, and then click Save.
To reset the password for a Merchant Portal account, do the following:
  1. Open Merchant Portal, and then click User Management.
  2. Locate the account that needs to be reset.
    Note: If your list of names is lengthy, press CTRL+F, or CMD+F, to find the name on the page.
  3. Click Reset Password.

An email is sent to the address on file or the account. Follow the instructions in the email.
All merchants can request access to their SFTP site during integration. If you do not currently have access to an SFTP site, contact your Merchant Success Manager (MSM).

A zip file including all reports in CSV format is automatically generated daily and available on the SFTP by 11 AM UTC.
Merchant Portal is available using the Log in option in the upper right portion of this screen, or by using the direct URL:

Report Availability

All reports are provided in CSV format and are available at 11 AM UTC Monday-Friday (excluding holidays.)

Note: Funding reports using the EFT rail have an additional Saturday report generated and delivered. Reports are accessible in the merchant portal or from the merchant SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) site.

Accessing Reports on the Merchant Portal

  1. Navigate to the Report tab in Merchant Portal, and then select Reconciliation and Funding Settlement Report.

Report Tab
  1. Select a Start Date and an End Date.

    Note: The report period cannot be greater than 31 days due to the size of the files generated.
    To retrieve transactions or settlements for a specific day, select the following business day.
    Example: Selecting Start Date: 08/23/2022 and End Date: 08/23/2022 will provide all transactions created on 8/22 for the Reconciliation Report and all settlements that occurred on 8/22 for the Funding Report.

  2. Select a Timezone for the report.
    The Timezone option affects only the date and time displayed on the report. It does not determine which transactions are included. Transactions are always retrieved for 12 AM - 11:59 PM UTC for the selected day(s), and then, if you’ve selected a specific time zone, the time is converted from UTC to your selected time zone.


Timezone: default (UTC) 


The transactions are shown in UTC time.




UTC Report


Timezone: US/Eastern


This is the same report showing the same transactions, but the time has been converted to US/Eastern.



EST Report

  1. Select an Output for the report.

    • The Download option will download a zip file to your computer.
    • The SFTP option will generate a zip file on the merchant SFTP.

The FI Status page, sometimes referred to as FIC Status page, is a tab within Merchant Portal. It shows the status of the top 50 US and top 5 Canadian banks.

You can log in and go to the page directly, or use this link to go directly to the page. If you are not logged in to Merchant Portal, you will be prompted to do when you click the link.

Direct Link:

Each bank will have one of the following status':

  • Good: The financial institution is working as expected
  • Degraded: The financial institution is working with reduced performance
  • Down: The financial institution is temporarily unavailable

To determine a bank's status,

  1. Click FI Status in Merchant Portal.
  2. Locate the bank by scrolling or searching and review the status and date.

To save a specific bank to the top of the list, click the pin at the right to save it to the top of your list.
Transactions may be returned by the bank when presented for payment for any of the following reasons:
  • Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF): An NSF return is when, during the ACH processing period, the customer’s account doesn’t have funds to pay for that transaction. This is the most common return type in both US and Canada.
  • Admin Returns: Admin returns are usually related to some issue in connecting to the customer’s account during the ACH processing. This can happen if the customer’s account is closed, or the account information passed to the ACH is incorrect, causing a problem finding the account or finding that it is invalid (as would be the case if it were closed.)
  • Stopped: Stopped returns occur the consumer instructs their financial institution to stop the transaction. When this occurs the payment is required to be charged back (or stopped) to the merchant while it is still being processed in the ACH.
  • Unauthorized: An unauthorized return happens when a consumer claims they did not authorize the transaction. These occur after the payment has processed, requiring the payment to be charged back (past ACH processing) to the merchant.
  • Frozen: Frozen returns occur when a payment is attempted from a frozen account. This may be due to specific actions taken by the consumer’s financial institution, or by legal actions taken and enforced by the bank.

Note: Consumers who wish to learn more about the reason for a specific transaction return should contact their financial institution.
There are two reconciliation reports available to merchants,
  • The Reconciliation Report, also referred to as the P11KREC Report, contains any transactions that were created during the reporting period.

Each P11KREC report shows transactions that we created the previous day.
Example: A report for Tuesday, August 23rd, will show all transactions that were created on Monday, August 22nd (12 AM - 11:59 PM UTC).

  • The RTP Reconciliation Report, also referred to as the P11KRTP Report, is available only to merchants using RTP functionality. This report is a separate reconciliation report that contains only RTP transactions created for the specific time period.

The report file names have a set format, which cannot be changed in the system.

Reconciliation Report:

Format: P11KREC-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KREC-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv

RTP Reconciliation Report:

Format: P11KRTP-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KRTP-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv

For details about the report content, see How do I Read the Reconciliation Report or How do I read the RTP Reconciliation Report.
The Settlement or Funding report, also referred to as the Settlement Report or P11KFUN Report, contains all funds transferred (credits and debits) with all transactions that are part of a batch sent to the merchant's bank account for the reporting period.

Each P11KFUN report shows transactions that have settled to the merchant bank account on the previous day. Example: A report for Tuesday, August 23rd will show all transactions that settled in a batch or multiple batches on Monday, August 22nd (12 AM - 11:59 PM UTC).

This report will also show all pending transactions that have not yet settled to the merchant bank account.

The report file name has a set format, which cannot be changed in the system.
Format: P11KFUN-{Merchant ID}-{Start date time}-{End date time}-{Sequence}.csv
Example: P11KFUN-9999999999-20220822080000-20220823080000-0001of0001.csv

For details about the report content, see How do I read the Funding or Settlement report?
Trustly has two separate, dedicated support teams. One team supports our North American customers and one supports our EU customers. Please reach out to the appropriate support team as described below.
North America

  • For our North American customers, those whose financial institution is in North America, our Trustly North American support advisors are available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can contact them by chat, text message, email, or phone by requesting a call back by using the Contact us now button below.


  • For our EU customers, those whose financial institution is outside North America, your support questions are managed by our Trustly EU Support team. Contact them directly using their email support form for help with your EU questions. You can also visit the Trustly EU Help Center to find answers to frequently asked questions.
The Reconciliation Report consists of individual rows of data. Each row provides one of three types of data:
  • Header
  • Transaction Record, or
  • Trail

Each row contains only one type of data and begins with a Record Type Indicator, which conveys the data type. For example, the file header rows indicator is H while the individual transaction rows have an indicator of T.

Rec Report

Every report begins with the Header and ends with the Trail.

All transaction records in the report reflect the transactions created during the reporting period. The transaction status will reflect the current status for the record.

Some transactions will have a parent transaction ID, or original transaction ID, as shown in the example below. The original transaction was an authorization, and then the child transaction was the capture.
Parent-child Transactions

The trail shows how many transactions were part of the report and the total amount of the transactions created during the reporting period.

For detailed information about the fields and the information contained within the fields, please refer to the Trustly Merchant Settlement & Reconciliation Report guide available from your Merchant Success Manager (MSM).

To add a new Merchant Portal User:
  1. Open Merchant Portal, and then click User Management.
  2. Click Create New User.
  3. Enter the following new user information:
    • Role
    • Name
    • Email address (Note: When logging in, this field is case sensitive.)
    • Auth Type should remain the default, Standard

Agent Add User
  1. Click Save.

An email is sent to the account you entered with instructions to complete the registration.

To remove a Merchant Portal User:

  1. Open Merchant Portal, and then click User Management.
  2. Locate the user that needs to be removed.
    Note: If your list of names is lengthy, press CTRL+F, or CMD+F, to find the name on the page.
  3. Click Remove.
Merchants have the ability to change the user role of their employees in the Merchant Portal. Different roles have different access. See the list below to explain the different roles.
  • Merchant Admin: Responsible for maintaining users, permissions, and all user's operations within the portal. May be called Merchant administrator user.
  • Merchant Full: Allowed to do basic operations within the portal. May be called Merchant operations user.
  • Merchant Approve Trxns: Allowed only to approve transactions.
  • Merchant Refund Trxns: Allowed only to refund transactions.
  • Merchant Cancel Trxns: Allowed only to cancel transactions.
  • Merchant Read Only: Allowed only to read basic data.
  • Merchant User Mgmt: Allowed to manage the merchant's users and their permissions
Current Decline Reasons: 

User Canceled

This transaction was canceled part way by you, your browser or your device.


Insufficient Funds

Transaction unsuccessful. We are unable to complete your transaction due to insufficient funds in your account. Please a) add funds to your account, b) Use another account at the same bank, c) Or, sign in to another bank

Merchant Error

Transaction unsuccessful: We're sorry. The transaction could not be completed because of a technical error on the merchant's side.

Bank Error

Transaction unsuccessful: We're sorry. The transaction could not be completed because of a technical error on the bank's side.

Network Error

Transaction unsuccessful: We're sorry. The transaction could not be completed because of a technical error from the network.

Security Controls (Note: You will see one of two messages regarding security controls)

Message 1:
Security Alert: We detected some unusual activity and as a result this transaction was not completed. To protect consumers and merchants, Trustly employs risk mitigation and fraud prevention tools to spot suspicious activity. Please see Trustly’s FAQs for further clarification on Trustly’s risk decisioning process.

Message 2:
We detected some unusual activity and as a result, this transaction was not completed. Our decision included information we obtained from the consumer reporting agency listed below. The agency played no part in our decision other than providing us information about you and is unable to provide specific reasons why we declined the transaction. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you have the right to know the information contained in your credit file and to dispute with the consumer reporting agency the accuracy or completeness of the information.

For questions concerning this process or for the status of a request you previously submitted, you may contact the MicroBilt Consumer Affairs Department at the toll-free number below. Contact details (Attn: Consumer Affairs Department | P.O. Box 440693, Kennesaw, GA 30160 | Phone: 855-673-7310 | Fax: Available Upon Request | Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM ET)

Unsupported Account Type

Invalid Account: To comply with Federal, state, or local regulations, Trustly does not currently support this type of account.
Trustly currently has 2 phases (plus 1 optional phase) of collections a consumer may experience if they don't pay off outstanding debt.

First Phase - Merchant Collections
In this phase, Trustly informs the merchant of return events and the merchant attempts to collect funds from the consumer. This duration varies by merchant.

Second Phase - Agency / 3rd Party Collections

In this phase, 3rd party collections is when the customer's information is sent to a collection agency. In most cases, the agency is InDebted. In some cases, the agency is a TeleCheck partner.

Optional Phase - Self-Pay Collections:

In this phase a consumer may elect to pay a debt directly to Trustly. There is no set duration for this phase and consumers may pay the debt directly at any time.
Trustly is a digital payment provider that offers a bank-independent payment service that makes it possible for consumers to pay directly from their bank account in a fast, simple and secure way. We are a tool to execute payments from your online bank to a merchant who provides you with a product or service. Our product is versatile since it enables consumers and merchants to both send and receive funds.

No registration is needed to use Trustly and Trustly uses the highest encryption standard available in addition to the bank’s security system.

You can learn more about the benefits of using Trustly under our page, Open Banking Explained.
In most cases, the process to deposit funds into a merchant account is instant. There are some cases where the payment processing time can take up to 2 bank days depending on the merchant, your bank, or both. Please keep in mind that holidays and weekends affect processing times.

If you experience unusual delays, please contact the merchant with a copy of the payment details.
Trustly's privacy policies are published on our website.
Trustly's Terms of Use (TOU) are posted on our website. 
Our data use and retention policies are contained within the privacy policy documents on our website. For links to each region's privacy policy, please see the related article, Privacy Policy.
Only checking or savings accounts currently set up for personal access via personal online banking credentials are eligible for use with the Trustly product at this time.

Check to ensure that the missing account is not a business account or an account of a different type.

Processing time varies based on the configuration at the merchant, the bank, or both. This configuration is what determines if your money is sent using the RTP or ACH network.

RTP transactions are virtually instant; whereas, ACH transactions take 2 to 3 days.

If you notice an unexpected delay in your withdrawal or payout, there may be additional reasons for a delay. The most common are:

  • Bank Handling Times Banks may have different processing times, particularly across time zones. In general, a bank transfer should not take more than 2 business days, but may take up to 3 days.
  • Weekends or Holidays Please keep in mind that weekends and holidays affect processing times.
  • Bank Maintenance In general bank site maintenance is done off cycle, but there may be times when bank maintenance interferes with the expected processing time. Check with your bank to see if there were any outages or maintenance performed during the transaction period.
  • Transaction Rejection In some cases, your bank has rejected the transaction due to a restriction or limitation on accounts. Check with your bank for transaction limitations or restrictions that may impact your account.
  • Outstanding Debt If you have debt resulting from a transaction that was returned to a merchant, you may not be able to perform a payout or withdrawal transaction until that debt has been satisfied.

If still you are missing funds after ruling out standard processing delays, please contact our support team using the Contact us button below.
The instant deposit limit is set by the merchant and determines the amount that can be instantly transferred through Trustly. When you receive this message, it means that you have exceeded their instant deposit limit and that the transaction will not be instant. In most cases, this message does not halt the transaction. Instead, you may proceed after the message or you may choose to cancel the transaction manually.

Note: Deposits above the instant deposit limit can take up to 2 bank days to reach the merchant. Processing time can be longer during weekends or holidays.

For more information about the instant deposit limit, please follow up directly with the merchant as Trustly can’t remove or raise the limit.
To use our services, no downloading, registration, or account is required.

Simply select Trustly, or Online Banking, as your payment option on the merchant’s website, and then follow the simple steps in the checkout when presented:
  1. Select your bank, and log in as you normally do.
  2. Choose the account from which you wish to pay.
    The account must be a personal checking or savings account as our service does not support business accounts.
  3. Confirm your payment with your preferred authentication method.

Please note that in order to use our services the following is required:

  • A personal bank account that is eligible for bank transfers.
  • Your account must have a positive balance, including pending transactions.
  • The currency of your bank account must be in the local currency.
Personal checking, savings, and small-to-medium business accounts are eligible for use with the Trustly product. 

Please note the following additional requirements:
  • The account must be accessible through the bank's online banking portal with username and password credentials.
  • Your account must be eligible for bank transfers.
  • Your account must have a positive balance, including pending transactions.
  • The currency of your bank account must be in the local currency.

The Settlement Report, sometimes referred to as the Funding Report, contains all funds transferred (credits and debits) with all transactions that are part of a batch sent to the merchant's bank account for the reporting period.

How to Read the Funding Report

The Funding Report consists of individual rows of data. Each row provides one of four types of data:

  • Header
  • Funding Record
  • Item Record, or
  • Trail

Each row contains only one type and begins with a  Record Type Indicator, which conveys the data type. For example, the file header row’s indicator is H while the individual transaction rows have an indicator of I.

Funding Report

Every report begins with the header and ends with the trail.

If an item record is pending (not yet settled), it will appear at the top of the report above the funding records. The pending item records will have an amount of $0, will not have funding trace id, and are included in the report to show status changes that affect future settlements.

Transactions that have settled will appear as item records under a funding record to indicate which batch settlement they were in. There may be multiple funding records per report.

The trail shows how many transactions were part of the report, how many funding records were part of the report, and the total amount settled to the merchant.

For detailed information about the fields and the information contained within the fields, please refer to the Trustly Merchant Settlement & Reconciliation Report guide which can be obtained from your Merchant Success Manager (MSM).


A Proof of Payment is a document from your bank that shows a payment's transaction details.

Trustly Consumer Support may ask you to provide a Proof of Payment when working to locate or verify a transaction in our system. The Proof of Payment needs to be received before we are able to provide any information or details about the payment.

Proof of Payment can be submitted as either a picture (PNG or JPEG) or a PDF file, and can be attached to your reply to the request from the support team.

A valid Proof of Payment should contain the following details:
  • Name of account holder
  • Amount
  • Datestamp
  • Sending bank account number
  • Receiving bank account number
  • Reference number (usually 10 digits)

If you do not know how to find your Proof of Payment, please contact your bank for assistance.
In most cases, the withdrawal process is instant. There are some cases where the processing time can take 2 to 3 business days depending on the method configured at your merchant, your bank, or both. Please keep in mind that holidays and weekends affect processing times.

If you have questions about your withdrawal, please contact our support team using the Contact us button below.
Yes, in some cases you can use a small-to-medium business account for transactions. However, please note the following additional requirements:
  • The account must be accessible through the bank's online banking portal with username and password credentials.
  • Your account must be eligible for bank transfers.
  • Your account must have a positive balance, including pending transactions.
For GDPR questions or concerns, or if you reside in the EU and have questions about our privacy or data policies, please reach out to our European support team via their contact form.
If you suspect any fraudulent transactions, you may choose to refund the consumer via Merchant portal.
If you have additional security concerns, contact us as soon as possible so we can launch an investigation.

Our advisors are available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Nothing is found. Try to search something else

Contact our support team

We’re here for you 24/7 via chat, text, email or by requesting a call back.